Overnight Defense & National Security — Milley becomes lightning rod

It’s Wednesday, welcome to Overnight Defense & National Security, your nightly guide to the latest developments at the Pentagon, on Capitol Hill and beyond. Subscribe here: thehill.com/newsletter-signup.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark MilleyMark MilleyTop Republican: General told senators he opposed Afghanistan withdrawal Trump calls Milley story ‘fake news’ Overnight Defense & National Security — Details of Trump’s final days prompt call to fire Milley MORE has become a lightning rod for the Biden administration amid calls for him to resign over book excerpts revealing President TrumpDonald TrumpNewsom touts victory over recall as rejection of ‘Trumpism’ Newsom easily beats back recall effort in California Second senior official leaving DHS in a week MORE’s final days in office.

We’ll break down what the issue is, who is angry, and what the Biden administration has to say.

For The Hill, we’re Ellen Mitchell and Rebecca Kheel. Write to us with tips: emitchell@thehill.com and rkheel@thehill.com

Let’s get to it.

Milley moved to limit Trump military strike, book claims

Milley has become a lightning rod for the Biden administration over new scenes revealed in “Peril,” the upcoming book by Watergate reporter Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of The Washington Post.

Milley, already a target for conservatives before the revelations, is facing calls for him to resign over excerpts underscoring his maneuvering during Trump’s final days in office.

But the new bombshells, including that Milley twice called his Chinese counterpart following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to assure him Trump did not have plans to attack Beijing as part of a ploy to remain in power, have sparked new calls for the general to resign.

Who wants him gone: It’s not just Trump supporters who are angered by the revelations either.

Claims in “Peril” that Milley moved to limit Trump’s ability to call for a military strike or launch nuclear weapons after the riot have brought criticism from opponents of Trump, including retired Lt. Col. Alexander VindmanAlexander VindmanSponsor drops Schwarzenegger over rant about anti-maskers Schwarzenegger to anti-maskers: ‘Screw your freedom’ The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – Senate finalizes .2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill MORE, who testified against Trump in his 2019 impeachment trial.

Vindman said Milley should resign if the reporting in “Peril” is accurate, saying on Twitter that Milley “usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military.”

But Biden backs him: While pressure on Milley and President BidenJoe BidenNewsom easily beats back recall effort in California Second senior official leaving DHS in a week Top Republican: General told senators he opposed Afghanistan withdrawal MORE is growing, there’s no signal that the general is in danger.

Biden on Wednesday said that he had “great confidence in Gen. Milley” when…

Read More: Overnight Defense & National Security — Milley becomes lightning rod

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