Opinion | Trump sues the New York Times for exposing his secrets

The 2018 blockbuster story blasted to pieces the myth of Trump as a self-made mogul. It also documented sketchy tax practices, including the creation of an entity — All County Building Supply & Maintenance — that directed untaxed gift money to family members. It later emerged that Mary Trump had been the source for key documents in the story. She revealed details about her relationship with the Times in her book, as well as in interviews with news organizations. As detailed in the complaint itself, Mary Trump told the Daily Beast in a podcast that she was “really proud” of having passed the documents along to the Times, though she credited Craig for her journalistic work in digging them up: “It’s entirely down to the brilliant Susanne Craig for, one, reminding me that I had them and, two, so effectively and tenaciously trying to convince — I mean it took her months before I did — so it’s entirely down to her.”

Read More: Opinion | Trump sues the New York Times for exposing his secrets

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