Bogus GOP Arizona audit confirms the obvious: Biden won

The end result of the partisan probe in Arizona may disappoint Trump, though local officials said it also contained many faulty conclusions that could fulfill its ultimate aim — sowing distrust in the US election system and giving the ex-President material to cherry pick to raise new doubts among his supporters about the result.

Arizona’s example has inspired Republicans in a list of other battleground states to try to hold their own sham “audits” — all targeting elections that were free and fair and which courts ruled were not tainted by fraud. The push, in states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that were crucial to Biden’s win, will not only deepen the pool of mistrust among Trump supporters who want to believe his lie that he actually won. It could offer further impetus to the rewriting of state voting laws by Republicans that suppress Democratic and minority votes and make it easier for partisan officials to interfere in the certification of elections in future. And it will fuel the false narrative that Trump was unfairly forced out of the Oval Office on which he is building a possible 2024 campaign and is using to continue to exert control over the GOP even when out of power.

The former President’s ability to force elements of his Republican Party to reject democratic values was earlier in evidence yet again.

Hours after Trump published a public letter to Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott demanding an election audit, the office of Texas’ secretary of state announced Thursday that the process had already begun in the two largest Democratic-leaning counties and the two biggest Republican counties, Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Collin. Trump wrote in his letter that “Texans know voting fraud occurred in some of their counties. Let’s get to the bottom of the 2020 presidential election scam!”

The audit will take place even though there is no evidence that the election in the Lone Star State was compromised or saw any significant voter fraud. And Trump won the state easily. The Texas Tribune reported in May that an official in the secretary of state’s office had earlier reported to state lawmakers that 2020 voting in Texas was “smooth and secure.”

In the case of Texas, the audit appears to be another sign of how Trump is able to force state officials — especially those, like Abbott, who may be hoping to mount future presidential runs and need to stay in good standing with the ex-President’s base — to carry out his undemocratic will. The process will also raise questions about whether a partisan state administration can be trusted to report fairly on how the election was conducted in Democratic counties.

By persuading the Texas authorities to look into the election, Trump gets the veneer of authority for his false claims. And it creates yet another precedent of interference in vote counting and election certification, which was previously seen as walled off from politicization, that threatens to taint elections in 2022, 2024 and for years to come.


Read More: Bogus GOP Arizona audit confirms the obvious: Biden won

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