Poll: Good news for Biden’s agenda

We have some fresh polling results from our weekly collaboration with Morning Consult, and they offer some good news for President JOE BIDEN, whose domestic policy agenda continues to poll above his job approval number, and a warning sign for both parties on a potential shutdown or default.

The bipartisan infrastructure bill remains quite popular: 56% support, 27% oppose.

We also asked what voters thought about the size of the BIF package, and despite the price tag a majority (57%) thought $1 trillion was the right amount or too little to spend:

Do you think that $1 trillion is … ?

  • Too much to spend on U.S. infrastructure: 42%
  • The right amount to spend on U.S. infrastructure: 43%
  • Too little to spend on U.S. infrastructure: 14%

We also asked voters who they would tend to blame more if the U.S. were to default on the national debt or if there were a government shutdown.

Even though Democrats control Congress and the White House, voters tell us they will spread the blame around. A plurality says they will blame both parties equally, and that’s before this week’s heightened attention to these issues when Republicans plan on filibustering a bill to keep the government open and raise the debt limit.

Shutdown …

If there was a U.S. government shutdown, would you tend to blame the Democratic Party more, the Republican Party more, or both parties equally?

  • The Democratic Party: 32%
  • Both parties equally: 36%
  • The Republican Party: 24%
  • Don’t know / No opinion: 8%

Default …

If the United States were to default on the national debt, would you tend to blame the Democratic Party more, the Republican Party more, or both parties equally?

  • The Democratic Party: 31%
  • Both parties equally: 39%
  • The Republican Party: 20%
  • Don’t know / No opinion: 11%

One big — if obvious — takeaway: Passing BIF and highlighting the GOP’s lack of support for the spending and debt relief bill is good politics for Biden.

Biden this afternoon indicated Democrats’ legislative deadlines could slip: “It may not be by the end of the week, I hope it’s by the end of the week, but as long as we’re still alive — we got three things to do: the debt ceiling, continuing resolution and the two pieces of legislation,” he said. “If we do that, the country’s going to be in great shape.”

Biden continued to project confidence: “You know me, I’m a born optimist. I think things are going to go well. I think we’re going to get it done.” Sarah Ferris and the Heather Caygle preview House Dems’ caucus meeting today

BOOSTER SEAT — Biden got his Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine booster shot live on camera this afternoon and delivered brief remarks urging unvaccinated Americans to step up and get jabbed. Talking to reporters even as the needle went into his arm, Biden said he didn’t have any side effects from his first shots.

Good Monday afternoon.

Read More: Poll: Good news for Biden’s agenda

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