Jan. 6 committee chair says panel will issue a ‘good number’ of

Rep. Bennie ThompsonBennie Gordon ThompsonExecutive privilege fight poses hurdles for Trump Jan. 6 panel subpoenas four ex-Trump aides Bannon, Meadows Democratic anger grows over treatment of Haitian migrants MORE (D-Miss.), the chairman of the select committee investigating Jan. 6, told reporters Monday that the panel plans to send a “good number” of additional subpoenas as part of its probe of that day.

“We have every reason to believe that we will be moving forward with some additional subpoenas,” Thompson said, signaling that such action could come this week.

“I think they’ll have significant information that the committee could benefit from,” he said.

Thompson’s comments come after the Jan. 6 committee issued its first subpoenas last week, requesting that four advisers to former President TrumpDonald TrumpCheney says a lot of GOP lawmakers have privately encouraged her fight against Trump Republicans criticizing Afghan refugees face risks DeVos says ‘principles have been overtaken by personalities’ in GOP MORE appear for a deposition in mid-October.

The subpoenas were sent to Trump’s former chief of staff Mark MeadowsMark MeadowsGraham told Trump he ‘f’d up’ the presidency: book Executive privilege fight poses hurdles for Trump Biden does not plan to shield Trump docs in Jan. 6 probe MORE, former strategist Steve BannonStephen (Steve) Kevin BannonExecutive privilege fight poses hurdles for Trump Biden does not plan to shield Trump docs in Jan. 6 probe Jan. 6 panel subpoenas four ex-Trump aides Bannon, Meadows MORE,former deputy chief of staff for communications Dan Scavino and Kashyap Patel — former chief of staff to then-acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, and a former White House staffer.

Thompson told reporters that he was not aware of any responses to the committee from the first four subpoenas. They have until Oct. 7 to turn over documents that were requested.

Patel and Bannon were asked to appear before the committee on Oct. 14, and Meadows and Scavino’s were requested on Oct. 15.

Rep. Adam SchiffAdam Bennett SchiffJan. 6 panel subpoenas four ex-Trump aides Bannon, Meadows Schiff: Criminal contempt charges possible for noncooperation in Jan. 6 probe The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Alibaba – Biden jumps into frenzied Dem spending talks MORE (D-Calif.) has suggested individuals who refuse to cooperate with the panel’s investigation into the attack could face charges of criminal contempt. Trump has vowed to fight the subpoenas by invoking executive privilege.

The subpoenas last week marked the most aggressive move from the committee that has been tasked with investigating the January attack on the Capitol.

Before the subpoenas, the panel had sent a series of requests to government agencies asking for records from the Trump White House, and it requested a number of documents from major telecommunications and tech companies.

Thompson, in an interview with Politico published last week, said he…

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