CS Keter moved to watered down devolution docket in Cabinet reshuffle

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 29 – Energy Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter has been moved to the Ministry of Devolution in a Cabinet reshuffle affecting two other colleagues.

In changes announced by State House on Wednesday, the Ministry of Devolution was also scaled down with the State Department for ASALs domiciled there moved to the Ministry of Public Service and Gender.

Keter’s position at the Ministry of Energy was assigned to Defence Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma who was moved from the Department of Defence she had been moved in January 2020 after a similar reshuffle in which she switched her foreign affairs portfolio with Rachelle Omamo.

Eugene Wamalwa will take over as Defense Cabinet Secretary.

Read More: CS Keter moved to watered down devolution docket in Cabinet reshuffle

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