Injection wells best solution at Piney Point, truth about Israel

Deep well injection right for Piney Point

While I generally appreciate the work of local environmental groups, I am strongly opposed to their planned lawsuit to block the construction of a deep well injection site at Piney Point, as reported Sept. 30 (“Environmental groups to sue Manatee County over Piney Point well plan”).

We all need to understand that the standard for surface water discharge is incredibly strict and there is no way to treat and purify the water in those stacks to a level that would allow continued direct discharge into Tampa Bay or any other body of water. Deep well injection is the only viable answer. 

Yes, there are potential risks, but such technology has been used successfully for nearly 20 years (including at Tropicana Products, in Bradenton) with no adverse impact on the water supply. 

More:How to send a letter to the editor

Further obstruction and delay of this critical project only raises the risk of another catastrophic direct release of untreated water into Tampa Bay. Rather than litigate and delay the solution, our focus should be on ensuring that this wastewater is pretreated to the cleanest level possible before being injected deep underground. 

Time is of the essence and County Administrator Scott Hopes is on the right track.

Rick Dobry, Palmetto

Train military in how to admit defeat

We spent 20 years “winning” in Afghanistan, leaving in failure. Why, you wonder? What lacks in our society, and especially in the military that I served in, is the ability to admit failure and mistakes.

Our military institutions, especially West Point, Annapolis, the Coast Guard and Air Force Academy, need training that emphasizes honestly reporting problems, errors, misjudgments and failure.

We failed in Afghanistan and Vietnam because we were lying to ourselves. The lower echelon fears reporting problems, and they never find their way up through the ranks because nobody wants to be the bearer of bad news. Bad news is bad for promotions.

Congress and presidents send “fact-finding teams” to these hot spots and the teams come back with glowing reports of progress and success. Meanwhile, troops are dying, vast amounts of money are being wasted and the truth on the ground is vastly different from the reports.

Journalists and reporters are now “embedded,” so they don’t accidentally stumble upon the truth. We’ll never see another Ernie Pyle.

We need incentives for honest reporting. We need an overhaul of situational awareness that speaks to the truth and that truth needs to be encouraged, not punished.

Dennis Blanchard, Sarasota

Tell the truth about Israel, conflict

A Venice letter writer misspoke about Israel (“Not antisemitic to support Palestinians,” Sept. 29). Perhaps it’s time he visits Israel to see for himself the blend of people and races from all over the world who live together in peace. 

The definition of “apartheid” is “a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.” This is…

Read More: Injection wells best solution at Piney Point, truth about Israel

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