Betty Buckley Responds to Report that ‘Memory’ Was Used to Calm Trump

In Stephanie Grisham’s new tell-all book about her life in the Trump White House, the former press secretary shares an anecdote that in order to quell his rampant fits of rage, aides would use the iconic song “Memory” from Cats to soothe the former president.

Broadway star Betty Buckley recently shared her reaction to that news with CNN’s Jim Acosta.

He asked the star, “I have to ask you, Betty, what was your reaction when you heard this bonkers story that they played your music to calm [Trump] down?”

According to Buckley, she first heard the news while working on a project in New Mexico, when she began receiving an abundance of messages from friends thanking her for “saving the world.”

She told Acosta, “You know, the guy is so wounded. His soul is so damaged, and I feel that on some level, this beautiful lyric… resonates with what remains of the window into whatever soul he might actually have.”

She also feels that Trump harbors “this insatiable need to be loved because daddy just didn’t, you know, and neither did mommy, so he’s really mad at the world about that.”

When Acosta pointed out that Bucklely’s voice may have “prevented nuclear war”, the star said, “I’m willing to do my part, you know, if that’s what it takes.”

Despite numerous attempts to keep her voice out of Trump events, the Trump campaign continued its use of the song ‘Memory’ from Cats, in defiance of a cease-and-desist order from the song’s composer, Andrew Lloyd Webber as well as a letter from Buckley herself. The song’s use was reported on social media by individuals attending the rally.

Buckley commented on the song’s use to Acosta stating, “It was such an aberration,” for the song “to be associated with his politics, with his rallies.”

Trump began using the song at his rallies in 2017. The first time this occurred, BroadwayWorld reported that Buckley, who performed the song, called on Webber to put a stop to it at that time.

Read More: Betty Buckley Responds to Report that ‘Memory’ Was Used to Calm Trump

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