Bill de Blasio will hand NYC taxpayers a bill for $30M just so he can

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is prepared to pay the Trump Organization $30 million in taxpayer funds just to shut down Donald Trump‘s Bronx golf course in retaliation for the January 6 Capitol riot, a court filing revealed last week.

The ex-president’s business sued the city in June for cancelling its contract to run Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point earlier this year.

Sources close to the legal proceedings told that de Blasio was more focused on satisfying his political agenda than fixing his city’s burgeoning problems. 

In their suit the company said the move was politically motivated by de Blasio’s disdain for the former president. 

The city said Trump was clearly in breach of the contract terms over the MAGA riot and it will ‘vigorously defend’ its decision.  

But in the September 30 filing, it appears that the city is conceding that it’ll pay Trump if it has to.

Lawyers for NYC argue that even if there were insufficient ties to end the contract for violations, the city could still boot Trump ‘under the at-will provision.’

Terms within the contract say New York City can terminate its deal with Trump at any time without cause, but would be obligated to compensate his company for money it invested in building a clubhouse on the course. 

De Blasio’s scramble to find someone to replace Trump’s contract at the golf course by November 15 has led to the city nearly awarding the contract to a homeless shelter operator with numerous shady business dealings

The ‘Termination Payment,’ as it’s referred to in the lawsuit, is $30 million, according to the company. 

New York City officials have disputed the figure, claiming it’s ‘wholly unsupported and contrary to [city Park and Recreation Department] accounting thus far.’

When de Blasio announced he was kicking Trump off the course in January, he cited Trump´s ‘criminal action’ in inciting Capitol rioters, arguing that he could fire him ‘for cause’ and not pay him a dime. 

But on Wednesday, an attorney representing Trump Ferry Point, LLC told that city officials’ claims the company violated their contract were ‘cover’ for the mayor’s ‘political retaliation.’ 

‘The Trump Organization’s long-term license for this property is legally binding, enforceable, and remains in full force and effect,’ lawyer Kenneth Caruso said.

‘The City’s alleged “termination for breach of contract” was a mere pretext that Mayor de Blasio used as a cover for his political retaliation. 

‘The City’s position has no legal merit and we will continue to vigorously defend our right to possession and control of the property for the remainder of the 20-year term, against both the City and anyone to whom the City purports to issue a replacement license.’

Trump Ferry Point’s lease was scheduled to end in 2035, but New York City has given the business until November 14 to clear out. 

The Trump Links golf course has sweeping views of New York City and has operated for seven seasons

Read More: Bill de Blasio will hand NYC taxpayers a bill for $30M just so he can

30MbillBlasioCapitol HilldailymailDonald TrumphandNew YorknewsNYCtaxpayersUS politics
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