How Bank of America is helping people become first-time homeowners

Even as prices for homes soar, the American Dream of owning a home is still alive and well.

Yet that can be a high hurdle for first-time home buyers to reach.

New data from the National Association of Realtors shows sales of previously owned homes rose by 7% in September as mortgage interest rates declined. However, first-time home buyers made up just 28% of those transactions, the lowest it has been since July 2015.

Bank of America, among other financial institutions, is working to help more people become first-time homeowners through an initiative targeting low- and moderate-income communities.

The company first started the project, called the Bank of America Community Homeownership Commitment, in 2019. This year, it raised its commitment to $15 billion through 2025, with the goal of helping more than 60,000 individuals and families buy homes.

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Other banks have established similar funding programs to help residents of underserved communities buy homes.

Wells Fargo provides five-year forgivable down payment loans through its NeighborhoodLIFT program to home buyers who live in designated areas and fall under certain income limits. JP Morgan Chase this year expanded its $5,000 grant program to help cover down payments and closing costs in minority neighborhoods around the country. PNC is also offering Closing Cost Assistance Grants that give eligible home buyers credits of up to $5,000.

The efforts come as campaigns to end racial discrimination have received national attention after the death of George Floyd. Mortgage lenders historically had a hand in reinforcing racial divisions by participating in official government policy known as redlining, which made it more difficult for non-white residents to purchase homes. However, even after redlining was no longer official policy, non-white mortgage applicants often still faced higher interest rates and neighborhood segregation.

To date, Bank of America says it has helped 29,000 home owners buy homes and has given out $270 million in grants. About 85% of those people are first-time home buyers.

The program includes two options. The Down Payment Grant program gives eligible buyers 3% of a home’s purchase price up to $10,000, whichever is less, towards a down payment with no repayment required. That funding is available in more than 260 cities and counties.

In addition, the America’s Home Grant program provides a lender credit of up to $7,500 towards non-recurring closing costs. That can include title insurance, recording fees or permanently lowering a mortgage interest rate. That grant also does not require repayment, and is available in 800 cities and counties.

Because both grants can be combined, eligible home buyers can receive up to $17,500 in aid toward their purchases.

The program coincides with Bank of America’s…

Read More: How Bank of America is helping people become first-time homeowners

Affordable and low income housingAmericaBankBank of America Corpbusiness newsFirsttimehelpingHome saleshomeownersHousingHousing rentalHousing vacancies and homeownershipMortgage ratesMortgagesPeoplePersonal debtPersonal FinancePersonal incomePersonal savingPersonal spendingReal estateU.S. Economy
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