Brave face slips? Melania’s smile disappears

Former first lady Melania Trump smiled widely as she made her first public appearance with Donald Trump since April – but one camera caught the moment the former first lady’s beaming expression slipped as she stood next to her husband. 

The moment at the Atlanta Braves World Series game against the Houston Astros on Saturday came as the crowd cheered for the couple who even joined in the Braves signature ‘Tomahawk’ gesture prior to the start of the game.

Trump and Melania were both seen to be smiling broadly with the former president looking comfortable as he gestured and pointed to spectators who waved.

Melania Trump was appearing alongside her husband at a World Series baseball game 

The former First Lady appeared happy together with her husband when suddenly the smile drained from her face

Although it only lasted a split second, Melania’s face turned stone cold while her husband continued to point, gesture and wave at those in the crowd

As television cameras were trained on the couple, Melania suddenly turned her face away, and rolled her eyes, with her signature smile gone in an instant.  

It didn’t take long before social media users attempted to diagnose what might be troubling her.

‘Simply miserable’ wrote one. 

‘That’s the face a woman makes when the guy beside her makes her sick,’ Tweeted one user.

‘So much joy, you’re gonna get tired of all the joy,’ joked another using one of Donald Trump’s old lines when he talked about ‘winning’.

‘She married it because she thought it would be a step up. She has no idea how far down it has taken her,’  wrote Kim Steed. 

Twitter users quickly chimed in as the clip hit the internet, with one user musing: ‘I don’t think she wants to be there’

Trump stood beside former first lady Melania, as they chopped away with fans before the game between the Atlanta Braves and Houston Astros from a private suite.

It was the first time Melania has been seen in public since July, when she was spotted leaving the Trump Tower in New York City with son Barron. 

Saturday night’s outing for the former First Couple was the first time they had been pictured together since Easter.

Melania’s quickly changing expressions have documented before, most famously at his 2017 inauguration when just before taking the oath of office, her look turned to one of severity despite seconds earlier smiling broadly at her husband. 

On several other occasions, attempts by the former president to hold her hand have been soundly swatted away by Melania. 

Melania Trump appeared to refuse to hold her husband Donald’s hand as they disembarked from Air Force One in Washington DC in August 2016

The president reached out again, but Melania kept her hand tucked tightly against her skirt

The First Lady appeared to pull her hand away from her husband’s grasp while disembarking Air Force One in 2018 

Back in January 2020, cameras…

Read More: Brave face slips? Melania’s smile disappears

BravedailymaildisappearsDonald TrumpfaceMelaniasnewsSlipssmile
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