Poland – Factors to Watch November 3

WARSAW, Nov 3 – The following are news stories, press reports and events that may affect Poland’s financial markets on Wednesday. ALL TIMES GMT (Poland: GMT + 1 hour):


Poland’s central bank will announce its decision on interest rates. The bank’s president, Adam Glapinski, will hold a press conference at 1500 GMT.


Polish food producer Maspex will take over CEDC, a leading vodka producer, in a transaction worth around 4 billion zlotys, Puls Biznesu daily said.


A bill introducing a total ban on abortions, even in cases when the mother’s life is in danger or when the pregnancy is the result of rape, may be debated in parliament soon, Gazeta Wyborcza daily said.


Changes planned by the government in the Supreme Court include not only the dismantling of a disciplinary chamber for judges, but also reducing the overall number of chambers and a verification of Supreme Court judges by the National Council of the Judiciary, Rzeczpospolita daily said, citing sources.

****Reuters has not verified stories reported by Polish media and does not vouch for their accuracy.****

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Reporting by Warsaw Bureau; Editing by Andrew Heavens

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Read More: Poland – Factors to Watch November 3

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