College Student Seeks Dating Advice From Mike Pence During Texas

When former Vice President Mike Pence fielded questions from Texas A&M University students Thursday evening, one male student took the chance to ask for dating advice.

The college student, who identified himself as Bobby, called the Trump-Pence administration the “greatest of all time.”

“My question is a bit more of a personal one,” he said, prefacing his detour from the politics-themed questions Pence had taken most of the night. “I need a wise man to answer this for me: What do you think is the most effective method to getting a girlfriend in college?”

The crowd of hundreds of college students cheered, and Pence smiled and slightly shook his head before responding.

“It’s a tough one—as my wife knows I didn’t date anyone before her,” Pence said, chuckling, before telling the student, “Go sit down. I can tell you don’t have any problem.”

Pence and his wife, Karen, met during a Catholic church event while he was in law school and have been married since 1985. They have three children.

Former Vice President Mike Pence spoke at a Thursday event at Texas A&M University, where he fielded questions from students. Above, Pence waves after addressing the GOP Lincoln-Reagan Dinner on June 3 in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Getty Images

Pence’s Thursday evening lecture—officially titled “How to Save America From the Woke Left”—was a stop on his college lecture tour organized through the Young America’s Foundation (YAF).

The former Indiana governor and congressman is thought to be considering a bid for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024, but he wouldn’t disclose his plans when a student asked on Thursday night.

“I’m not a long-term planner,” he said. “I’ll keep you posted.”

Pence and former President Donald Trump have been at odds since leaving office in January, after Pence refused Trump’s request to try to stop the certification of Biden’s election on January 6. When a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol that day, Pence had to be whisked to safety. Security footage shown during Trump’s second impeachment trial revealed that Pence narrowly escaped the rioters as they invaded the building.

Pence led the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed response to the coronavirus pandemic last year. He said his takeaway from that experience was the importance of working on new innovations, including the rapid development of vaccines.

“Before we left office, we were vaccinating 1 million people a day with three safe and effective vaccines,” Pence said to applause. “It was American innovation—American creativity.”

He also was asked to grade his successor, Vice President Kamala Harris, whose job approval rating has sunk below 30 percent in recent polls.

“Honestly, I see her approval rating and I blush when I think of my approval rating when I was vice president,” he said. “I don’t like to get personal, so I’ll just say I think it has to do with the policies.”

Read More: College Student Seeks Dating Advice From Mike Pence During Texas

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