Social media erupts as Trump gets featured on miniature Mount

Social media seems to be buzzing as a miniature Mount Rushmore emerges, which features former US president Donald Trump.   

The miniature sculpture was found in the former president’s office when some latest pictures were shared by him with Kyle Rittenhouse and the head of a martial arts organisation.   

In the miniature Mount Rushmore, he is shown beside George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.  

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The former president was given the “Mount Trumpmore” piece by South Dakota governor Kristi Noem last year.  

The miniature has been made by Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby. Its provenance was confirmed to the Daily Beast. Leuning, a South Dakota artist, said, “Cool. That’s our piece. Definitely. That’s pretty cool.”  

Leuning was glad to see the maquette on display at Mar-a-Lago as often “stuff ends up in a closet”.  

In July 2020, Trump visited South Dakota for a speech in front of Mount Rushmore.   

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Several comments, memes, etc have come up on social media over the development.  

A user said, “If Trump returns to power, expect Mount Rushmore to become Mount Trumpmore.”  

In a tweet, another user, said, “Trump’s 9th degree black belt is as real as his Mount Rushmore gizmo. Trump’s friggin insane!”  

(With inputs from agencies) 

Read More: Social media erupts as Trump gets featured on miniature Mount

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