Donald Trump accuses Meghan of disrespect towards royal family |

The former US president Donald Trump has accused the Duchess of Sussex of being “disrespectful” to the Queen and the royal family.

In a wide-ranging interview with the politician-turned-broadcaster Nigel Farage, Trump said he thought the Duke of Sussex had been “used horribly”.

The interview with Trump, 75, whose presidency ended in January 2021, took place in Florida on Monday and will be broadcast on GB News.

Speaking about Meghan, Trump said: “I’m not a fan of hers. I wasn’t from day one. I think Harry has been used horribly and I think some day he will regret it.”

According to GB News, he added: “I think Harry’s been used and been used terribly.

“I think it’s ruined his relationship with his family, and it hurts the Queen.”

In response to comments from Farage about Meghan using Duchess of Sussex headed writing paper to lobby members of Congress, Trump, the first US officeholder to be impeached twice, said: “She is trying do things that I think are very inappropriate.”

GB News said he told Farage: “I think she’s very disrespectful to the royal family and most importantly to the Queen.”

During the interview, Trump described the Queen as “a great woman, such a great person, a historic person”.

GB News said the interview featured Trump talking about Boris Johnson, the presidential election, events at the US Capitol on 6 January, Black Lives Matter, the migration crisis in the US and the UK, Antifa, and the question of whether he would run for office again.

He warned Johnson he was making a “big mistake” by backing “ridiculous” windfarms to drive the UK’s push to a net-zero-carbon economy.

The former US president said he still liked the British prime minister but claimed that he was wrong to support renewable wind energy.

The UK has become a world leader in wind energy, particularly offshore, and Johnson has pushed for Britain to become to wind what Saudi Arabia is to oil in the drive to reach net zero by 2050.

Investment in the technology over the past decade or more has led to the world’s largest windfarm, Hornsea One, being built in the North Sea off the east Yorkshire coast.

But Trump said the UK was destroying its landscape by permitting the turbines to be installed.

He said: “He’s wrong, Boris is wrong if he’s going heavy into wind. He’s making a big mistake.”

The interview airs at 7pm on Wednesday.

Read More: Donald Trump accuses Meghan of disrespect towards royal family |

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