Oil output policy in focus as omicron rattles markets

The OPEC logo pictured ahead of an informal meeting between members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Algiers, Algeria.

Ramzi Boudina | Reuters

A group of some of the world’s most powerful oil producers is meeting Wednesday to discuss how much of an impact the new omicron Covid variant is likely to have on energy demand.

Led by Saudi Arabia, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is scheduled to meet via videoconference from 1 p.m. London time. The 13-member group will be joined by non-OPEC allies such as Russia on Thursday.

There is little sign the broader group, often referred to as OPEC+, intends to change course from its current output plan of a monthly hike of 400,000 barrels per day.

OPEC ministers representing Saudi Arabia and Iraq have both indicated the group is likely to sustain this output policy, while non-OPEC leader Russia said earlier this week that there would be no need for urgent action on the oil market.

Some analysts have questioned whether OPEC+ may be tempted to take a pause to assess the market, however, citing heightened price volatility and fears over the potential hit to energy demand because of the omicron variant.

Indeed, it is thought some OPEC+ producers may struggle to meet their quota next month if the group does push ahead with an output hike.

A Reuters survey published on Tuesday found OPEC pumped 27.74 million barrels per day in November, up 220,000 barrels from October, but that was below the 254,000 increase allowed for OPEC members under the OPEC+ agreement.

International benchmark Brent crude futures traded at $72.62 on Wednesday afternoon in London, up over 4.8% for the session, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate futures stood at $69.24, around 4.6% higher.

Oil prices have whipsawed in recent days. Both Brent and WTI futures contracts are on track to register their steepest monthly falls in percentage terms since March last year, Reuters reported, down 16% and 21%, respectively.

“So far, Russia and Saudi Arabia have put on [a] brave face,” Stephen Brennock, a senior analyst at PVM Oil Associates in London, said in a research note.

Brennock said OPEC had several issues to discuss this week, including the potential impact of the omicron variant on future demand, the U.S.-led release of strategic reserves from oil-importing nations and Iran’s possible re-entry into the oil markets.

“All things considered, there is much to suggest that OPEC+ will not initially step up its oil production any further in an effort to maintain current prices at around $70/bbl,” Brennock said.

“OPEC+ have erred on the side of caution since it began slowly boosting supplies and a decision to shelve a planned increase output in January and keep its quota flat comports with its cautious approach.”

Downside oil price risks

The two days of OPEC meetings come after a period of elevated tension over high oil prices between the U.S. and its allies in the Gulf, most notably Saudi Arabia.

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Read More: Oil output policy in focus as omicron rattles markets

business newsEnergyfocusICE Brent Crude (Feb'22)MarketsOilOil and GasomicronOPECOPEC MeetingsoutputpolicyrattlesRussiaSaudi ArabiaUnited StatesWorld economyWorld MarketsWTI Crude (Jan'22)
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