We Lose Because Trump’s a Poor Loser

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

The root cause of much of what troubles this nation can be summed up in one explanation: Donald Trump is a sore loser.

The January 6, 2020 insurrection took place primarily because Trump could not do what every other losing politician in American history has done and concede his loss.

Yes, I know, Hillary Clinton did not immediately accept her loss; Texas Governor George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore fought until the Supreme Court stepped in and awarded Bush the presidency. Yes, I know, many Democrats still think Bush stole the 2004 election, too.

There is a difference between whining and insurrection, however.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the post-election trauma was part of a well-developed plan to overturn the expressed will of the American voting public.

During the last week we have found evidence that in five states, including Wisconsin, groups of Republican politicians forged election certificates and transmitted them to Congress, hoping that Congress would refuse to certify the election.

The Justice Department just indicted the leader of the Oath Keepers, who, apparently, organized an armed team of insurrectionists who planned – and did – storm the Capitol on January 6.

Trump, himself, scheduled a rally for earlier in the day and urged those present to be “tough” at the Capitol, promising to walk with them.

In the meantime, recount after recount demonstrated the election was fair. Court after court refused to believe Trump supporters as they made wild claims. Election officials in Georgia were courted and threatened after they refused to rescind their certification of election results.

And, 15 months after the election was called, the former president is still traveling around the country insisting he is the victim of a rigged election.

Because of that, state Republican legislatures are enacting ridiculous laws seeking to limit voting by minority groups, young people, and old people. These laws are, eventually, going to come back to bite them because the people they exclude are precisely the people who might be open to traditional Republican messages of individual worth and merit.

My personal guess is that this is all going to fall apart relatively soon. Trump hasn’t had anything new to say since 2016 and his public tirades these days seem all about undermining any Republican who suggests, however timidly, that the nation ought to move on from 2020.

But the damage this spoiled brat has already inflicted will be long-lasting.

Read More: We Lose Because Trump’s a Poor Loser

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