Will Oil Markets Finally Find Balance In 2022?

As we kick off the new year, the race is on to predict the course that the oil market will take in 2022. The bulls and the bears are predicting two extremely divergent paths for what all agree is going to be a tumultuous year for Big Oil. One vision predicts that supply will recover as production returns to business as usual, and oil demand steadies or decreases. In this scenario, we can look forward to stabilized oil prices. The other vision is that demand growth will keep on keeping on as stockpiles remain low.

On Tuesday, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) increased its oil price outlook by a considerable $5 per barrel. However, true to the tumultuous shape the year is already taking, the EIA “sees those levels falling throughout the year as global supply outpaces demand as soon as the second quarter” according to reporting from energy information and analytics company S&P Global Platts. 

In the long term, however, the EIA is expecting oil demand to keep growing, even as the global push for decarbonization continues to gain traction amidst increasingly urgent calls from global leaders and environmentalists. “The EIA expects global oil demand to increase 3.62 million [barrels a day] year on year in 2022, up 70,000 [barrels a day] from last month’s Short-Term Energy Outlook.” If this projection comes to pass, global oil demand would finally top 2019 levels for the first time since the pandemic began in the early months of 2020, topping those numbers by approximately 260,000 barrels a day. 

OPEC’s expectations for the 2022 oil market is even more optimistic (from an oil cartel’s point of view, not so much the aforementioned environmentalists). Their base case sees global oil demand topping pre-pandemic highs to the tune of 101 million barrels a day, and even surpassing 103 million barrels a day in December of this year. Projections and predictions, however, are purely hypothetical at the end of the day – and the volatility of global economics and geopolitics can and undoubtedly will throw a wrench or 20 into the works. 

Those who are predicting a weak oil market point to surplus oil supplies, in the wake of increased production rates on the heels of this winter’s pleas for increased pumping to combat the energy crunch hitting Asia and Europe in devastating waves. A recent opinion column from Bloomberg, however, takes issue with projections of a weak oil market in 2022, because this outlook “assumes that the 19 members of the OPEC+ group who have output targets will actually pump at those rates. But they aren’t, and many of them can’t.” In fact, OPEC has fallen short of its production market for seven consecutive months. Last month, it missed its collective target by 625,000 barrels a day. 

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“That gap’s not going to close any time soon,” the Bloomberg article contends. “In fact, the deficit won’t ever be recouped unless…

Read More: Will Oil Markets Finally Find Balance In 2022?

balancebearsbullsdemandEconomicsEIAfinallyfindGeopoliticsMarketsOilOil PricesOPECsupply
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