Inside China’s electric drive for swappable car batteries

DETROIT/BEIJING, March 25 (Reuters) – A year ago Tesla dismissed the alternative path of electric car battery swapping as “riddled with problems and not suitable for widescale use”. It seems Beijing disagrees.

In fact, China is pushing hard for swappable batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) as a supplement to regular vehicle charging, with the government throwing its weight behind several companies advancing the technology.

Four companies – automakers Nio and Geely, battery swap developer Aulton and state-owned oil producer Sinopec (600028.SS) – say they plan to establish a total of 24,000 swap stations across the country by 2025, up from about 1,400 today.

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Battery swapping allows drivers to replace depleted packs quickly with fully charged ones, rather than plugging the vehicle into a charging point. Swapping could help mitigate the growing strains placed on power grids as millions of drivers juice up, yet specialists caution it can only take off in a big way if batteries become standardized industry-wide.

If China is successful in making swapping successful on a large scale, though, the shift could undermine the business models of global brands like Tesla, Volkswagen and General Motors, whose EVs are designed for and powered by their own proprietary batteries and, in Tesla’s case, its own charging network.

Even slight changes of fortune in the country can have significant consequences for these carmakers, whose futures rely on achieving success in the world’s largest car market.

The Chinese swapping plans, announced piecemeal in recent weeks and months but not widely known outside the domestic auto sector, are part of Beijing’s broader plan to make 25% of car sales fully electric by 2025, or more than 6 million passenger vehicles based on current forecasts. Estimates vary widely as to how many will have swappable batteries.

The Ministry of Industry and Information (MIIT), a major supporter of battery swapping, did not immediately respond to a request for further comment about China’s battery swapping strategy

Furthermore, big Chinese players are also looking overseas.

Ningde-based CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology Company Ltd) (300750.SZ), the world’s biggest battery maker, told Reuters it was developing swapping services not only for China, but “to meet the demand of global markets”.

“We are accumulating experience in the Chinese market and at the same time communicating closely with overseas partners. You’ll receive more concrete information soon,” said CATL, which supplies about half of China’s market and more than 30% of the battery cells used in EVs globally.

Nio, among China’s top EV makers, plans to offer U.S. customers battery-swapping services by 2025, the company’s North American head Ganesh Iyer said. It has more than 800 swap stations in China and has just set up its first in Europe.


Such plans clash with the views expressed by global EV pioneer and…

Read More: Inside China’s electric drive for swappable car batteries

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