Why interest rates won’t slow sales too much

Blocks of condominiums in Singapore. The rising cost of borrowing is unlikely to have a major impact on Singapore’s property market, analysts told CNBC.

Ore Huiying | Bloomberg | Getty Images

SINGAPORE — The rising cost of borrowing is unlikely to have a major impact on Singapore’s property market, analysts told CNBC.

That’s because of several factors such as wealthy buyers, strong rental demand and foreigners moving to Singapore.

Singapore’s real estate market is backed by wealth, according to Christine Li, head of Asia-Pacific research at Knight Frank. That means it’s similar to markets such as Shanghai and Beijing, where a lot of people buy properties with a small loan or without borrowing at all, she told CNBC over the phone.

Countries like Australia and New Zealand have a different dynamic, she added. In those markets, “people buy their homes because of income growth, so when interest rates start to hike, you can see that the reaction … is a lot more immediate.”

[The] interest rate is not going to be a determining factor for prices to come down.

Christine Li

head of Asia-Pacific research, Knight Frank

Fixed home loan rates from Singapore’s major banks have climbed as high as 3.85%, according to local media reports.

But in wealth-backed markets like Singapore, interest rates don’t “move the needle,” Li said, “because these people in the first place don’t even rely on borrowing to fund these homes.”

One property agent told CNBC last year that all-cash offers were on the rise at that time.

Interest rates are “not going to be a determining factor for prices to come down,” Li said. “I think you need something that is a lot stronger, especially from the macro side, for people to realize that entering a market at this kind of price level may not give them the returns they want.”

Christine Sun, senior vice president of research and analytics at OrangeTee and Tie, said buyers in the top wealth bracket in Singapore have enough money to fund their house purchases, or can redeploy capital to pay for their loans.

“Foreign investors may continue to buy properties here as they consider our mortgage rates to be lower than other countries and our strong Sing dollar can help preserve the value of their investment,” she said.

Demand drivers

However, it doesn’t mean the residential property market ignores rising rates and looming risks, said Alan Cheong, executive director of research and consultancy at Savills.

There are other factors causing prices to continue “powering on,” seemingly defiant of economic logic, he added.

Private residential property prices are still on an upward trend, and increased 3.4% in the third quarter this year compared to the previous quarter, according to flash data from the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore.

Demand for housing is also supported by strong household balance sheets and sustained income growth, Sun said.

The safe haven status of Singapore and her acceptance of relevant talents have been attracting high income foreigners…

Read More: Why interest rates won’t slow sales too much

Asia Economybusiness newsHousinginterestInterest RatesRatesReal estatesalesSingaporeslowwont
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