Trump vows free speech reform of government, universities, tech

Former President Donald Trump speaks on May 28, 2022 in Casper, Wyoming. The rally is being held to support Harriet Hageman, Rep. Liz Cheneys primary challenger in Wyoming.

Chet Strange | Getty Images

Donald Trump on Thursday announced a series of aggressive and ambitious proposals to undo what he characterized as the suppression of free speech in the United States if he is elected president in 2024.

Trump, who lost his White House re-election bid in 2020, promised in a videotaped address that he would target government agencies and employees, universities and tech companies with a series of executive orders and policies aimed at their purported censorship of speech and ideas.

Among other things, Trump vowed to “ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as ‘mis-‘ or ‘dis-information,'” including federal subsidies and student loan support for universities.

“The censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed and it must happen immediately,” said the Republican, who is prone to linguistic hyperbole and over-promising when announcing plans.

“When I’m president, this whole rotten system of censorship and information control will be ripped out of the system at large. There won’t be anything left,” he said.

Trump and other right-wing figures have for years claimed they are the victims of efforts to limit their speech by purported “deep-state” actors, mainstream media outlets and social media companies.

Those claims gained added fuel in recent weeks with the release earlier this month of what Twitter CEO Elon Musk called the “Twitter files” to support claims that the company’s prior management handled content moderation in a way that was biased against conservatives. Released to a handful of conservative writers, they published a series of tweets detailing the social media company’s decision before the 2020 election to temporarily suppress a New York Post story about the contents of a laptop owned by Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden.

Musk has even gone so far as to say that Twitter, which he bought in October, interfered with U.S. elections. Twitter didn’t respond to requests for the records from CNBC and the New York Times.

Trump said that “within hours of my inauguration” he would sign an executive order banning federal agencies “from colluding” with others to censor or otherwise limit lawful speech by individuals.

He also said he would begin a process to identify and fire “every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship.”

And he said he would order the Department of Justice “to investigate all parties involved in the new online censorship regime, which is absolutely destructive and terrible, and to aggressively prosecute any and all crimes identified.”

“These include possible violations of federal civil rights law, campaign finance laws, federal election law, securities law and antitrust laws, the Hatch Act, and a host of other potential criminal civil regulatory and constitutional offenses,” he said.


Read More: Trump vows free speech reform of government, universities, tech

Breaking News: Politicsbusiness newscensorshipDonald TrumpElectionsElon MuskfreeFreedom of speechgovernmentJoe BidenJustice DepartmentPoliticsReformSocial mediaSpeechtechTechnologyTrumpTwitter (delisted)United Statesuniversitiesvows
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