Mortgage rate you get depends partly on credit score. What to expect

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Anyone who’s exploring homeownership may know that rising interest rates and elevated home prices are making that goal challenging.

The average rate on a typical 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage has been zigzagging between 6% and 7% for the last several months — down from above 7% in early November but roughly double the 3.3% average rate heading into 2022, according to Mortgage News Daily.

Yet the interest rate that any particular buyer is able to qualify for depends at least partly on their credit score — meaning you have some control over whether you’re able to get the best available rate, experts say. And the difference that a good or excellent score makes in terms of monthly payments — and total interest paid while you hold the mortgage — can be significant.

“The score impacts practically everything: loan approval, interest rate, monthly mortgage insurance premiums … and ultimately their payment,” said Al Bingham, a credit expert and mortgage loan officer with Momentum Loans.

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The median home price in January was about $383,000, according to Redfin. Although prices have been sliding since mid-2022, that amount is still 1.5% higher than a year earlier. In January 2020, the median was below $300,000.

While you may be able to negotiate on the price of the house to bring the overall cost of homeownership down, it’s also worth making sure you go into the process with as high a credit score as possible.

Lenders check three scores but use one number

Although things like steady income, length of employment, stable housing and other aspects of your financial life are important to lenders, your credit score gives them additional information.

The three-digit number — which ranges from 300 to 850 — feeds into a lender’s calculation of how risky a borrower you may be. For example, if you’ve always made your debt payments on time and you have a low credit utilization (how much you owe relative to your available credit), your score will benefit.

And the higher the number, the less of a risk you are to lenders — and therefore the better terms you can get on a loan.

Lenders check a homebuyer’s credit report and score at each of the three large credit-reporting firms: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. For mortgages, the score provided by those companies is typically a specific one developed by FICO, because it is the score currently relied on by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the largest purchasers of home mortgages on the secondary market. (In the coming years, this reliance on one score is poised to change.)

However, because that particular FICO score can differ among the three credit-reporting firms due to differences in what is reported to them and the timing, mortgage lenders use the middle number to inform their decision.

The higher your score,…

Read More: Mortgage rate you get depends partly on credit score. What to expect

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